
Confirmation has traditionally been a coming of age ritual within the church but St Albans Uniting sees it as exactly what the name implies, the ‘confirmation’ of an adult of the baptismal vows made by parents at the baptism of an infant. Having grown up in the church and learned about the Christian Faith a young person wishes to commit themselves to the church by confirming the promises made on their behalf by their parents. On request the minster will arrange some instruction and preparation for such a commitment and organise a suitable service to recognise that commitment. Another name for Confirmation in the traditions that St Albans represent is ‘A Public Statement of Faith’ and that can take a number of forms.

Many people that were baptised in good faith as children drift away from the church for a whole variety of reasons and then their spiritual journey brings them back to church membership. Sometimes people want some acknowledgement of this change, and in discussion with the minister, a suitable and personalised ‘Public Statement Of Faith’ can be organised. In other cases people may feel awkward and singled out being asked to stand up in front of the congregation and the parish council of St Albans recognises that regular attendance at worship, partaking in the life of the parish and supporting it in some way financially are in fact ‘a public statement of faith.’ The minister is always available and ready to talk to anyone about how they might feel part of the life of St Albans Uniting and can be phoned on 03 385 7545.